Make Your Mark with Our Naming Opportunities

Donations to our campaign will have an enduring impact in our community, and a naming gift gives DC Central Kitchen the opportunity to recognize your generosity for years to come. Gifts at the Leadership (seven-figure) and Major Gift (six-figure) levels are eligible for significant naming opportunities throughout our facility. Each naming opportunity will be recognized with attractive signage developed with ZGF Architects and will endure for the duration of our long-term, 25-year lease.

Check out all our remaining naming opportunities here. 

Gifts at this level may be paid out over a period of up to five years. Additionally, all Leadership, Major, and Supporting ($25,000 to $99,000) gifts will be permanently listed on our donor wall installation next to our welcome desk, giving us another opportunity to publicly recognize your support.

We have worked with dozens of generous donors to identify meaningful naming opportunities that reflect their passions. To learn more about the exciting opportunities that still remain and find the perfect fit for you, please contact us at


donate to dcck

Your support today will help DC Central Kitchen meet the demands of this moment and leave a personal legacy in the form of a stronger, fairer community in the years to come. For more information and naming opportunities, contact